viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

2x1 AMD vs Nvidia

Las noticias de la semana, con respecto a la pieza más importante de hardware en el mundo gamer (Y muy de a poco, para el mundo del GPGPU…), claramente giran en torno al lanzamiento de las nuevas AMD 6000. Casi todos los sitios especializados ofrecen hoy reviews de estas recién nacidas, por lo que dejo la que me pareció más completa. Por otro lado, Nvidia promete un incremento en la performance de su próxima línea 500, pero por ahora, es solo realidad una rebaja en los precios actuales, para mantenerse competitiva… La batalla continúa, y para bien de los consumidores, esperemos que nunca tenga fin.

La completísima review en Anandtech:

 AMD’s Radeon HD 6870 & 6850: Renewing Competition in the Mid-Range Market


Nvidia Geforce GF104 GF100 Radeon ATI AMD Barts Northern Islands

Nvidia's GeForce GTX 460, GTX 470 Now More Affordable

[10/21/2010 01:28 PM]
by Anton Shilov

Just days before AMD's next-generation Radeon HD 6800-series graphics cards hit the market, Nvidia Corp. slashed pricing of its performance-mainstream and high-end graphics boards rather dramatically so to keep their sales going despite of potentially strong offerings by the arch-rival.

Starting this week, the suggested etail pricing (SEP) of Nvidia's popular graphics boards will be as follows:

  • GeForce GTX 460 768MB - $169.99
  • GeForce GTX 460 1GB - $199.99
  • GeForce GTX 470 1280MB - $259.99

The price decreases from Nvidia are quite dramatic to say at least since the graphics boards got $30 and $90 discounts, something completely unimaginable, which is very good for consumers in search for performance mainstream graphics cards.

Considering the fact that Nvidia's arch-rival AMD is about to refresh its performance-mainstream lineup of products, it is logical that the Santa Clara, California-based developer reduced pricing of its offerings. However, the price drop as high as $90 on a graphics card that is known to be expensive in manufacturing seems to be a very strange, if not desperate, move. Perhaps, this means that Nvidia is about to refresh its high-end lineup in several weeks from now and hence the GeForce GTX 470 model is not really needed.

According to estimates of Nvidia, the Radeon HD 6850 and the Radeon HD 6870 will cost $179 and $239, respectively. Therefore, after Nvidia's price drop Advanced Micro Devices's graphics business group may reconsider the cost of its current and future graphics boards.

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