jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Stomp llega a Perú

La mágica sincronía de éste grupo de percusión coreográfica, muy pronto, por sudamérica. Recomiendo enfáticamente el video hecho por HBO “Stomp Out Loud”, que definitivamente, le hace honor a este grupo :)

Baterista de NSQ y los NSC anunció llegada de Stomp a Lima


Baterista de NSQ y los NSC anunció llegada de Stomp a Lima

Lima (Peru.com).- Pedro Silva, el conocido baterista de la banda Nosequién y los Nosecuántos, hizo oficial la llegada a nuestro país de la compañía de percusión, movimiento y comedia visual, Stomp, quienes traerán su tour “Sudamérica 2010” a Perú en diciembre. 

Como productor de dicho evento, Silva dio a conocer detalles de cómo la agrupación ha sido considerada entre las mejores compañías artísticas del mundo, incluso por el reconocido diario New York Times.

“Stomp se dio a conocer en los años noventa, empezando con presentaciones para comedias musicales, pero debido a los innumerables comentarios a favor, fue abarcando la temática rítmica (percusión), así como la aclamada danza del cubo de la basura, que tanto los identifica”, comentó el músico peruano.


La magia del baile, la comedia visual y la percusión se darán cita en el show de Stomp del 08 al 12 de diciembre en el Centro de Convenciones del Jockey Plaza. Las entradas estarán a la venta desde el 16 de octubre en Teleticket de Wong y Metro.
Foto: Cortesía Prensa 3 Puntos

Fuente: http://www.peru.com/entretenimiento/sgc/portada/2010/10/16/detalle123110.aspx


Los mejores juegos de carreras para Android

Desde Gizmodo, este “medio post” (Porque el original es compartido con el ranking para IPhone), sobre uno de los rubros más populares para dispositivos de entretenimiento movil :)

GOLD MEDAL: Asphalt 5

The Best Racing Game Apps
As far as Android racing games go, Asphalt 5 is the pace setter. The 3D graphics are stellar and the gameplay is action packed (though sound is screechy). Asphalt 5 is geared more towards the arcade racer (think Ridge Racer) than simulation racing but you still get three very accurate control options: accelerometer, wheel or tapping the screen. The game can only run on higher end Android phones (think Nexus One and above), so you might have to think twice about the purchase but if you have a good Android phone, the replay value of Asphalt 5 is amazing: there's a career mode to collect money and trophies, various challenges and games-in-games, and each car (and there are over 30) can be customized with engine upgrades, paint jobs and decals (feels good to pimp yo ride). $4.99, Android.

SILVER MEDAL: Need For Speed: Shift
The Best Racing Game Apps
Honestly, Need for Speed: Shift is a gold medal driving game. The rich graphics and buttery smooth gameplay is arguably better than Asphalt 5. However! NFS:Shift isn't readily available for all Android phones in the Android Market (it only comes pre-installed on certain phones) which is terribly unfortunate for racing fans. $9.99, Android.

BRONZE MEDAL: Raging Thunder 2
The Best Racing Game Apps
The 3D graphics aren't as good as Asphalt 5 and gameplay can lag a bit but it does offer online multiplayer mode and a fast-paced, arcade style gameplay that's either fun as hell or a little bit tacky, depending on how you see things. $4.99, Android.

Speed Forge 3D: A 3D jet racing game that's limited because it only has 3 vehicles and 6 tracks. $2.77
Xrace Beta: Simple and free racing game but has unimpressive graphics and only works with Android phones with a keyboard. Free
Light Racer 3D: A Tron styled, motorcycle racing game that can be played multiplayer over Wi-Fi. Free or $2.99
Craigs Race: Basic 2D racing game that's fun the first time, but then gets less and less enjoyable the more you play it. Free.
Pocket Racing: Topdown 2D racing game that's surprisingly impressive (to a point). Comes with 5 cars and 8 tracks. $1.56

The author of this post can be contacted at tips@gizmodo.com

Fuente: http://gizmodo.com/5668767/the-best-racing-games

Volver al Futuro: El 25 aniversario.

En conmemoración al 25 aniversario de la trilogía, y al anuncio de los box-sets en DVD y Blu-Ray, fué esta aparición especial en los Scream Awards 2010, que ya venía anunciando. Por suerte fueron finalmente ambos! :)

Sinceramente cuando lo ví en Google Buzz, publicado por una fanática de la trilogía, como lo es Jorgelina Toldo, no tuve opción para no emocionarme.

Torre de Control

Ayer, caminando a la mañana por flores, tomé esta con el celu :)

Seasonic presenta una fuente para PC totalmente silenciosa

Con los avances en miniaturización y optimización de consumo de componentes, están volviendo a asomar los productos “fanless”, es decir, sin ventilador. Cosa más que bienvenida para todos los que trabajamos con la computadora al lado nuestro, por reducir al mínimo el nivel de ruido de ésta, sin depender de reguladores de velocidad, (quitando cables del interior y haciendo esto también de ayuda a la optimización del flujo interno de aire), y además, reduciendo la posibilidad de entrada de polvillo desde el exterior, cosa muy dañina para los equipos, si no se hace un adecuado mantenimiento.

Como fan de las Silent PC, (si no me creen, les dejo mi Nous Machine a modo de muestra), espero ansioso que otros fabricantes sigan éste modelo, y traigan productos así por nuestras sudamericanas tierras.

La review completa, en: http://www.anandtech.com/show/3962/seasonic-x460fl-460w-fanless

Cuando ser camarógrafo es un trabajo de riesgo…

Me encontré con esta noticia y no dudé un minuto en traerla, recordando lo que había pasado con el incidente de Tiger Woods con el fotógrafo, hace poco.

Esto es un camarógrafo que sigue cumpliendo con su deber, pase lo que pase! (Aunque es poco común de ver, estas cámaras son protegidas por un lente especial, a éste efecto, por las dudas…)

TV Cameraman Keeps Filming After A Baseball Bat Smacks His Gear

TV Cameraman Keeps Filming After A Baseball Bat Smacks His Gear

We've seen what happened when a golf ball gently bounced off a camera lens, but what happens when a baseball bat is violently flung toward a very expensive camera? And more importantly: What happens to the guy holding the gear?

Turns out that very little happens to both camera and cameraman. Or at least very little happened during Game 4 of the American League Championship Series when Brett Gardner's bat flew toward the broadcast video camera held by freelance videographer Steve Angel.

The calm videographer didn't even flinch as the top of Gardner's bat made contact with the front of his camera. Instead he focused on doing his job:

A-Rod was about to cross home plate, so that's what I was doing. I was shooting him. And then all of a sudden, if you look at the video, it gets pretty frosty.

Part of the reason Angel was even able to continue shooting as calmly as he did is that the actual camera was damage-free thanks to some protective measures:

Angel said it would cost "more than a house" to replace one of those TBS lenses if it is broken. But in front of each lens, the camera sports a protective glass cover on the outside, which was all Gardner's bat wound up damaging.

While everyone is cheering about the fact that the bat hit this protective glass cover instead of the camera lens, I'm just plain relieved that it didn't hit Angel's head. Kudos to him for staying so calm while only a few inches from a concussion. [MLB]

Send an email to Rosa Golijan, the author of this post, at rgolijan@gizmodo.com.

Fuente: http://gizmodo.com/5669259/this-is-what-happens-when-a-baseball-bat-hits-a-very-expensive-camera

Paso a paso: Fotografías UV a bajo costo

Instructables es otra de esas páginas interesantes para consultar en los momentos de ocio. Quizá sea un poco facilista, o bien, los proyectos no sean tan baratos de realizar por estas latitudes, pero no cabe duda, que es una muy buena fuente de ideas para desarrollar, aunque sea, al modo de cada uno :)

Hoy, y especialmente para los fotógrafos que quieran experimentar con analógica, o bien, con métodos ópticos poco ortodoxos: Como realizar fotografías dentro del espectro Ultravioleta “a la antigua”.

Photography in the Ultraviolet spectrum or "See the World Through the Eyes of a Bee".


For years I've wanted to mess around with UV photography. Unfortunately, all the websites on DIY UV seem to assume an infinite amount of money and access to specialized equipment on my part. There are two things that I don't like, when someone tells me I HAVE to spend a lot of money (quartz lenses starting at $3000) or that i need specialized equipment (Wratten 18A filters, not cheap either).

So I set out to do it my way, and here's my $5 solution to UV wavelength photography.

Photography in the Ultraviolet spectrum

step 1 - Finding a filter

I was wracking my brains trying to find a UV bandpass filter, when, quite literally, a light bulb went off in my head. A blacklight bulb that is. Blacklight bulbs are formed from wood's glass. Wood's glass is a uv & ir bandpass filter.
There are two kinds of blacklight bulb (at least), incandescent and fluorescent. I tested both, good for you, because the fluorescent kind DID NOT WORK. This is good because the incandescent is safer to work with, and cheaper.

Finding a filter

step 2 - Take your light bulb

and break it, once you've broken it, take a piece that will cover your camera lens and work out a mount. I used the same mounting technique from my previous instructable. Okay, I cheated and used a glass cutter.
Here it is already to mount on my digital camera.

Take your light bulb


step 3 - Go outside and take some pictures

You'll need bright sunshine, and maybe a tripod, you can use flash, it puts out plenty of UV and gives you a different look.

Go outside and take some pictures


Fuente: http://www.instructables.com/id/Photography-in-the-Ultraviolet-spectrum/#step1