Como es costumbre en éste espacio, lo mejor del excelente certámen de lectores de Gizmodo. Hoy el tema fué desarrollado, bajo la técnica que habíamos visto acá.
Al pié de la nota, el link a la galería completa en Flickr, con las 152 fotos participantes con un tamaño más interesante.
Zooming. Most people only do it before or after taking a photograph—never during. Well here are 152 remarkable pieces of proof that most people are wrong. Zooming while taking a photograph is a surprisingly versatile, inevitably eye-catching technique.
Lead Shot: 'Citgo Meets Tron'...So, Citron?
This is the CITGO sign in Kenmore Square, Boston, MA. Nothing more Bostonian (and Venezuelan) in the city. Canon T2i, ISO 800, 229mm, 0EV, f/25, 1/2.
-Diego Jimenez
Man Vs. God

While at a holiday party on Saturday in the San Leandro hills we caught a slight break in the overcast sky just before the sunset began. Looking across the bay to San Francisco with Oakland and Alameda at my feet was a blanced sight of an
blue overcast sky, flickering lights of the cities as well as the warm sun bursting through bits of clouds. Towards the end of shooting I remembered the Giz challenge for this week and thought this would make a unique shot..... sort of looks like a sunset in the world of Tron if I had to guess.
To get the shot, I lowered my exposure compensation down about -1/3 a stop and set the camera to aperature priority and locked that to F/9. I set the shutter to timer and waited for it to open, I then slowly start pulling back as consistently as I could, I think the VR feature on the lens really helped on this one in addition to my all steel 15lb tripod. Nikon D70, Nikon 55-200mm VR F/4.0 - 5.6, ISO 200, 1.6 secs, f/9.
-Shaun Flynn
Fire Flower
I tried to think of a picture that wouldn't just create a light speed affect. I put four candles on a record player to add more direction for the light to go while I zoomed the lens. There were a number of pictures from different angles and this seemed to be a little like fire tornadoes but I seem to like the path of the flames in this picture the most. I also upped the blacks setting in Photoshop slightly to accentuate the flame. Shot with a Nikon D90 18-200 VR2 Manual settings with f/36 6 sec, ISO 200.
-Robert Bejarano
The View
This was admittedly a quicker-than-I'd-like entry because I forgot to
shoot anything until Sunday evening. So I stepped out on the balcony to take some shots of downtown in the sunset. This was a one-second exposure on a D90 at f36, starting at 200mm and zooming out to about 50mm.
- Nick Sprankle
This picture was taken from a great vantage point on Roosevelt Island looking towards the 59th Street bridge and midtown Manhattan. I love this location to take pictures of NYC both during the day as well as at night. This shot is looking towards the bridge and the buildings around it on the Manhattan side.
Picture taken with my Canon EOS Rebel T2i using a EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS lens. The ISO was 100 and in aperture mode. Used a f3.5 opening at a 2 second shutter speed. The focal length started at 55mm and ended at 18mm. The white balance was set to auto. Evaluative metering mode and landscape picture style.
-John McNamara
I was inspired to photograph my Dell Studio 15 laptop's keyboard after numerous frustrating hours writing term papers in the dark. I used a Nikon D80 set up on a tripod facing downwards at the LED keyboard (I covered the screen to prevent light interference). I decided to make the letter G the focus of this piece in a petty attempt to suck up to Gizmodo. I also tried fixing the G using Photoshop, but it never looked quite right so I decided to leave it as it is. (f/5.6, 1/2 sec, 135mm, ISO-800)
-Tom Kott
Second Beach

The weather in Washington during December is generally pretty crummy. This weekend was a somewhat rare nice weekend so I decided to take a trip to Second Beach near La Push, Washington. I had never done zoom exposure before and was pleasantly surprised with the results. Coming back home was a challenge, there was a head-on accident on US 101 near Lake Crescent which forced me to take a 70+ mile to get back home. Seeing the finished result result made the LONG trip totally worth it. Canon Rebel T1i, Canon 10-22 mm, 1/25 sec, f/3.5, ISO 100, ND 400 neutral density filter
-Anthony May
First time trying this technique. Canon T2i, 24-100mm f/4L IS USM, 105mm, 200 ISO, f/4 at 1.0s. Took several pictures of Christmas lights hanging over my fireplace and this is, by far, the best one that came out. Shot at a wide-open aperture, out of focus, to get the nice round balls of light. No post-processing, right from the camera.
-Ryan Maple
Time Travel
A shot of my old alarm clock while zooming in with my Canon t2i. I had the aperture as small as possible and the ISO low as well, with a bulb exposure only so I could control exactly when I had finished the zoom. I like the projection/explosion of the lights and I was somewhat inspired by this xkcd comic.
-Chris Smith
WINNER - Millennium Falcon

This contest was a blast. I had the perfect idea, but it ended up being much more difficult than I anticipated. I used the same technique I learned from a previous contest on Gizmodo where the guy had double exposed a bathroom sink and used a lighter to create a flame coming out of the faucet. So I would say this contest I spent a lot of work on. I recently had moved my parents to a new house and found some old boxes of toys from my childhood, Star Wars being my favorite. As soon as I saw this competition I knew I was going to try to recreate the lightspeed effect from the movies. I grabbed my millennium falcon, a black foam core boar, two strands of icicle christmas lights, a roll of tape, weed whacker line (couldn't find fishing line) a couple chairs, a some books. All of which I will explain.
So I taped all the lights to the foam core board and placed it up against a wall. Next I took two chairs and tied weed whacker line across from one to the other and laid the falcon on them. I spent forever trying different ways to get it to look good, but it just wasn't cutting it. Finally I decided to remove the lights from the center of the board in an attempt to only get light trails AROUND the millennium falcon because they kept going through the ship. So here comes the shot. I set the exposure for 30 seconds to buy myself some time to move things around etc. I flipped the foam core board so it was blank, turned all the lights off, and set the flash on. I zoomed in so the ship was full frame, then took the picture, I quickly covered the lens, flipped the board over, plugged in the christmas lights and started to zoom out slowly. (making sure to uncover the lens only after I had started to zoom out). The result was PERFECT! I used photoshop to remove the bright red weed whacker line and get rid of the one light that made it through the ship. Nikon D300s, Nikkor 18-70mm, Tripod, Cokin Filter set with ND2, ND4, and Circular polarizer, 30 second exposure at f29 ISO 200
-Jordan Naylor
Super creative entries this week. And while I generally avoid geek stereotypes like Star Wars, Star Trek, etc, taking all the glory, I think Naylor's technique was an ingenious solution to something most of us wouldn't have dared without Photoshop.
Check out all the entries in the three galleries below, and for wallpaper sizes, check flickr.