viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Béla Fleck & The Flecktones de gira navideña!

Muchachos! Vuelvan a Sudamérica que los esperamos con los brazos abiertos!!!!!!

Jingle Time

Click Here to  purchase Jingle All The Way

Calling all Fleckheads.

Bela Fleck & the Flecktones will be bring the Holiday Tour with Jeff Coffin and special guest Alash Ensemble to the Western USA and Canada. Spread the word and come begin the Holiday Season with the Flecktones.

We've got our Merchandise Store restocked with gift goodies, be sure and visit before the end of the year!

  • 11.30.10      Calgary, AB CA    Epcor Centre for the Performing Arts
  • 12.01.10      Edmonton, AB CA North Alberta Jubilee Auditorium
  • 12.02.10      Banff, AB CA       Centre Complex (Eric Harvie Theater)
  • 12.03.10     Spokane, WA        Bing Crosby Theater
  • 12.04.10     Vancouver, BC CA  The Centre
  • 12.06.10     Portland, OR      Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall (Oregon Symphony Orchestra)
  • 12.07.10     Eugene, OR           Hult Center for Performing Arts (Silva Concert Hall)
  • 12.08.10     Bend, OR US         Mountain View High School Auditorium (KPOV)
  • 12.09.10     Seattle, WA           Jazz Alley
  • 12.10.10     Seattle, WA           Jazz Alley
  • 12.11.10     Seattle, WA           Jazz Alley
  • 12.12.10     Seattle, WA           Jazz Alley
  • 12.14.10     Chico, CA            Laxon Auditorium - California State University
  • 12.15.10     Santa Rosa, CA    Wells Fargo Center for the Arts
  • 12.16.10     Oakland, CA       Fox Theater
  • 12.17.10     Santa Barbara, CA  University of California
  • 12.18.10     Los Angeles, CA    Orpheum Theater
  • 12.19.10    Tucson, AZ            Rialto Theater


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No los conocés? Acá te dejo algunos videos de una de mis bandas favoritas…


Adobe quiere despedir para siempre a las fotos fuera de foco

¿Interesante desarrollo, o un invento más para terminar con la agilidad y el talento de los fotógrafos, con la excusa de resultados siempre perfectos?

Yo creo que la foto se saca en campo, se vive, se siente en el momento. El fotógrafo debe estar atento y pensar en el momento, rápidamente, ahí es donde surge la habilidad y el talento, pero no podía dejar pasar por alto ésta nota, que de implementarse ésta tecnología, tal vez, cambiaría la forma de sacar fotos para siempre…

adobe lentes plenopticas

Uno de los problemas más habituales al hacer una fotografía es que al verlas en pantalla grande no están bien enfocadas. Hasta ahora eso era un problema difícil de solucionar, pero Adobe quiere ponerle fin con una nueva tecnología en lentes plenópticas y un software especial que nos permitirá reenfocar cualquier parte de la imagen después de hacerla.

El funcionamiento de esta lente es algo complejo, pero a grandes rasgos podríamos decir que incluye múltiples lentes en su interior que guardan información de la imagen desde diferentes perspectivas. Esto se traduce en que una vez abierta la imagen en el ordenador podemos modificarlo a través del software para enfocar y reenfocar un punto concreto de la fotografía.

adobe plenoptics

Parece que estamos más cerca de acabar con esas fotos mal tiradas y desenfocadas que te hacen cuando estás en algún viaje. Sin embargo, como todas las novedades que se presentan en este campo, aún está en una fase temprana y pueden pasar años hasta que lo miniaturicen y llegue al gran público. Mientras tanto, siempre podemos ver el vídeo de demostración y quedarnos con la boca abierta.

Las lentes plenópticas de Adobe no son de momento un producto comercial. Su desarrollo está en una etapa de madurez y falta algún tiempo hasta que veamos un producto comercial como dios manda.


10 Trucos para que Chrome funcione más rápido

El navegador de Google es conocido por su estética sencilla y su funcionamiento ágil. Por si esto no es suficiente, para incrementar aún más la velocidad de Chrome aquí van 10 propuestas de extensiones útiles para que el usuario aproveche al máximo las capacidades del navegador.

El logotipo de Chrome

Si no te basta con la ligereza que ya de por sí ha hecho famoso a Chrome y lo ha catapultado a la arena de los navegadores para competir con Firefox e Internet Explorer por el mercado, te puedes instalar algunas de las siguientes extensiones, que recoge Friedbeef.

1- FastestChrome

La misma velocidad y eficiencia que los desarrolladores implementaron en la extensión equivalente de Firefox, Fastfox, está presente para Google Chrome. FastestChrome ahorra tiempo con la carga automática de las páginas, buscar definiciones de palabras desde el navegador y búsquedas más rápidas.

2- Smooth Gestures

Permite optimizar el uso de Chrome en lo que se refiere a la navegación por páginas o la gestión de las pestañas. Smooth Gestures posibilita una mayor amplitud de movimientos con el ratón para ganar comportamientos intuitivos.

3- Keyboard Navigation

Para quienes utilicen programas de productividad, Keyboard Navigationayuda a importar el mismo tipo de atajos de teclado desde aplicaciones de oficina al navegador Chrome.

4- Quick Tabs

En este caso la extensión Quick Tabs permite una navegación dejando de la el ratón, siendo posible elegir entre las diferentes pestañas con el uso del teclado.

5- AdBlock y Browser Button for AdBlock

Con la ayuda de AdBlock podemos evitar la reproducción de anuncios, con lo que aparte de bloquear la publicidad, las páginas se cargan más rápidamente. Para hacer más sencillo el uso de esta aplicación conviene completarla con el Button for AdBlock, un botón para hacer fácilmente accesible estas funciones.

6- Speed Dial

Speed Dial te permite ahorrar tiempo al remplazar la página de inicio que aparece por defecto sustituyéndola por los sitios más visitados por el usuario. Además, el diseño es configurable.

7- Quick Scroll

Para optimizar la selección de resultados después de una búsqueda.Quick Scroll aparece en la parte inferior derecha de la pantalla, ofreciendo la opción de encontrar de modo más fácil cualquier porción de texto en los resultados obtenidos.

8- Autopager

Autopager aumenta la velocidad en el uso de Chrome al cargar la siguiente página de un sitio en background mientras se lee la primera, por lo que se evitan los tiempo de transición.

9- Search Preview

La extensión Search Preview permite ver un vista previa de las páginas buscadas en Google, algo parecido a lo que ahora acaba de implementar el buscador, aunque más completo.

10- Noticias de

Por último, nos permitimos añadir que si lo que quieres es incrementar la velocidad para navegar entre las noticias más frescas de tecnología y el mundo de la web, la extensión para Chrome de ReadWriteWeb te permite tener siempre a mano la información que más te interese con actualizaciones cada 60 segundos e interacción con redes sociales(también para Firefox)

A continuación, un vídeo promocional de Google que compara la velocidad de Chrome con la de otros procesos físicos. ¿Puede tu navegador ser más rápido que…?


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Gestor de mensajes para Android que apoya tu ahorro

Muchas personas suelen comunicarse hoy día por SMS, y dado que las operadoras pueden tener cuotas más altas, es posible que te resulte interesante tener un gestor de mensajes para ello.

Por eso y apoyando la económica hoy te presento n2manager, un interesante gestor de mensajes para Andorid con una interface que hace todo de forma rápida y sencilla.

El mismo dispone de miltiples opciones personalizables, incluida su interface, los SMS te pueden salir si seleccionas el paquete más alto en tan solo 6,5céntimos de euro, sin importar el lugar del mundo donde te encuentres.

Esta puede ser otra alternativa para ahorrate un dinerillo, sobre todo cuando viajas al extranjero, o eres un SMS adicto!!!

Enlace: Herramienta similar: MySMS


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¿Porque la baterías recargables “mueren”?

Excelente artículo que explica porqué las pilas y baterías recargables tienen una vida útil, y que hacer para prolongar su funcionalidad al máximo.

Giz Explains: Why Batteries Die

Inside almost every gadget lurks a ticking time bomb. In two years, or maybe three or four, it will die, rendering your gadget useless. Possibly permanently. So, what are these awful little bastards? They're called batteries.

The concept of battery death is ingrained in any gadget buyer's psyche, whether he knows it or not. Just as a computer's software always seems to slow down, or a phone mysteriously accumulates scratches, batteries' slow creep toward uselessness is simply a part of the fraught relationship between gadgets and time. But who, or what, is to blame? Of course, the companies that make and sell these batteries are somewhat guilty, but you know what? So are we.

How Rechargeable Batteries Work

When we talk about rechargeable batteries in gadgets, we almost always mean lithium ion batteries, or something very similar.

In short, the lithium ion batteries work like this: A positive electrode (cathode), made of non-metallic lithium, is connected to a negative electrode (anode), made of carbon. To charge a battery is to repel ions (electrically charged atoms) of from the lithium cathode over to the carbon anode, where they deposit themselves. The release of these ions later—or more specifically, the current caused by their flow back to the lithium cathode—is where your laptop or cellphone gets its power from.

At its heart, this is a chemical process; charging and discharging are both chemical reactions, and the passage of ions from cathode to anode, or vice-versa, represents a fundamental change in the makeup of each.

Virtually every other kind of battery works on these same physical principles; lithium ion batteries are just some of the best suited for use in consumer electronics. They're light, compact, hold a hell of a charge, and most importantly, can be charged hundreds of times before deteriorating significantly. They have long lives. But not unlimited ones.

Why They Die

Battery death starts the second they leave the factory. It's unavoidable and irreversible, and in lithium ion batteries, can totally destroy even a rarely used, mildly charged battery in as little as a few years. With

Saving your battery
Those of us stuck with the slowly expiring batteries of today will have to help ourselves. Luckily, there's quite a bitwe can do. Lithium ion batteries degrade much more quickly when hot, so keeping a laptop ventilated is vital. (This is as easy as not using a pillow as a laptop table, or placing a bit of folded paper under the rear of the laptop's base to enhance air flow.)

Rechargable batteries also die more quickly if they're left fully charged, so instead of keeping a laptop plugged in all the time, let it rest a bit, or plug/unplug it through a workday. Accordingly, phone batteries tend to last longer than laptop batteries simply because of how people charge and de-charge them. For the stunning correlation between heat, charge level and battery life, see Battery University's article here.

constant use (and abuse), a lithium ion's lifespan can be under two years-less—if losing more than a third of its capacity counts as death. Knowing that batteries work using a chemical process, it's reasonable to expect some degradation. After all, no chemical reaction is perfect, and all result in some kind of energy loss, often producing unwanted results or substances. Batteries are no different.

"As batteries age, obstacles arise that reduce ion flow, and eventually make them unusable," says Isidor Buchman, President of battery diagnostics and analysis companyCadex. "There are certain buildups that occur on the electrodes that inhibit ion flow," he says. This results in a steady decline in performance.

What he's talking about, mostly, is the gradual degradation of the cathode—the lithium part—by means of slow, unavoidable chemical changes. Repeated subtraction and addition of ions actually alters the structure of the lithium material, making it less receptive to future exchanges—a bit like a rag that's been soaked and wrung a few hundred times too many. It becomes threadbare, molecularly speaking.

Giz Explains: Why Batteries Die

More destructively, the repeated and constant chemical reactions inside the battery leave dissolved metal on the cathode and, to a lesser extent, the anode. This can eventually form a sort of unwanted metallic plating on both.

Additionally, electrolytes in the battery are prone to decomposing. They oxidize on the cathode, leaving something like rust blocking the way of ions that are trying to jump back and forth. Common shorthand for this phenomenon is corrosion, and its effects are profound: The resulting battery, with its tired electrodes, broken-down electrolytes and corroded surfaces, is the picture of aging. It's now terrible at being a battery.

Buchman says that this process in an inherent part of current battery technology, but that it doesn't have to be so bad. ""The consumer doesn't want to pay much. [Batteries have] to be cheap. And they have to run for a long time; in a cellphone or laptop, run time is important." It's our demands and habits, he claims, that essentially give gadget and battery makers permission to sell us batteries with such close expiration dates. "Consumers don't want to pay more, don't want a bigger battery to carry, and demand a higher run time." The trade-off for a cheap, small, long-running battery: one that corrodes easily.

On top of that, the natural lifespan of some of our most valued electronics is extremely and artificially short. People get new phones every two years because their contracts are structured as such. Laptop specs become obsolete (or really, "obsolete") at nearly the same rate.

Think of it this way: Your iPod from two years ago might still work, but you'd rather have the new one, right? Your first gen unibody MacBook is stil a nice computer, but you're tempted by the new 13" Air. There's a reason we don't talk about battery death all the time, despite its severity.

How Things Can Get Better

Time heals all, including battery technology. Buchman says that the practical limits of lithium ion batteries have nearly been reached, but that new technologies are on the horizon. "Most of the research has been focused on the cathode. The anode has traditionally been a carbon product, but some are working on perhaps adding silicon, to gain higher energy density." In English: battery makers are concocting a new brew in search of a better cell.

The development of electric cars has also been a boon to battery research. Unlike Apple or Dell, car companies can't ship a device that's useless after a few years, so significant money and time are being expended to develop batteries that are powerful, capacious, andlong-lived.

As for what Buchman sees as the root cause of the problem—consumer pressure—that could be healed, too. If cellphone contracts become longer, or just disappear, or if one spec race or another cools down, consumers may not be clamoring for a new set of gadgets every other season, and battery death will become a more pressing problem. Then, just as car manufacturers are scrambling for longer-lived battery right now, the consumer electronics industry may need to find their own.

Lithium-ion diagram courtesy of Varta Automotive

Send an email to John Herrman, the author of this post, at


Gigabyte transforma 1200 piezas de Hardware en cartel de 30 metros

Después de la exitosa nota “Convertí tu viejo hardware en cualquier otra cosa”, se ve que los muchachos de Gigabyte se sintieron un poco inspirados… :)

Motherboards and Graphics Cards to Bolster Taiwan Image and Technology

Anyone who was to pass by Terminal one of Taoyuan International Airport recently can't miss the 30-meter wide installation art piece made of motherboards. Many passengers even took pictures of the gigantic "MADE IN TAIWAN" motherboard wall located in Gate B7 of Terminal 1. The wall was made purely of scrap motherboards and graphics cards provided by GIGABYTE Technology. Through the helps of Ever Rich Duty Free Shop, these scrap motherboards were turned into a art piece that makes an impression on domestic or international passengers.

As a leading brand in the motherboard industry, GIGABYTE is dedicated to support the government's renovation and decoration project on Taoyuan International Airport to bolster the first impression and strengthen our country's image to visitors from other countries. In response to the design theme of "Reaching out Taiwan Technology to the World", GIGABYTE has provided nearly 1,200 pieces of scrap motherboards and graphics cards to construct the "MADE IN TAIWAN" installation art piece and to show its care for Mother Earth with reused resources.

To construct the design wall, a designer and few craftsmen had spent days just to make the 30-meter wide background with motherboards in all different sizes. The craftsmen did all cutting and shaping of the circuit boards manually just to create the collage of "MADE IN TAIWAN". The pop-art piece was simple yet powerful in delivering the image of Taiwan and its technology strength. Upon completion, the renovated B7 lounge with the motherboard installation art piece immediately became the center of attention of all passengers.
GIGABYTE is glad to have the chance to participate the renovation and decoration project of the airport lounge. It is always dedicated to innovation of its products to stay competitive and influential in the important industry. In the future, GIGABYTE will further focus on the development of crucial technology and product design to constantly delight its customers with marvelous products. If you have a chance to visit Taoyuan International Airport, don't forget to stop by Gate B7 and meet the art piece with Taiwan and GIGABYTE spirit.


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Corsair estrena kits de memorias “Vengeance”

Hermosas memorias presentadas por Corsair, Con buenas velocidades y trabajando a 1.5V. La escalabilidad de DDR3, se está haciendo ver de a poco, mientras los precios siguen bajando…

Corsair Vengeance: Η νέα σειρά μνημών της Corsair!

Corsair introduced a new line of PC3-12800 (DDR3-1600 MHz) memory kits based its latest memory module design, the Corsair Vengeance. The Vengeance modules make use standard height DIMM PCBs, making use of a 'light' heatsink that goes on to be slightly taller than the PCB. 'Light', because unlike the heatsinks on the Dominator modules, Vengeance's heatsink looks to consist of just thick metal plates of the heatspreader elongating into a few heatsink fins, much like G.Skill's RipJaws modules.
The Vengeance modules can operate at 1600 MHz speeds with DRAM voltage of 1.5V, with CL8 and CL9 timings available in the lineup. The modules come in densities of 2 GB and 4 GB, making up single-channel (single module), dual-channel, and triple-channel memory kits, in capacities of 4 GB (single module), 8 GB (2x 4 GB) dual-channel, 6 GB (3x 2 GB) triple-channel, and 12 GB (3x 4 GB) triple-channel.

A list of models follows.

  • 4GB (1x4GB) 1600MHz 9-9-9-24 @ 1.5V Single-Channel DDR3 (CMZ4GX3M1A1600C9)
  • 6GB (3x2GB) 1600MHz 8-8-8-24 @ 1.5V Triple-Channel DDR3 (CMZ6GX3M3A1600C8)
  • 8GB (2x4GB) 1600MHz 9-9-9-24 @ 1.5V Dual-Channel DDR3 (CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9)
  • 8GB (2x4GB) 1600MHz 8-8-8-24 @ 1.5V Dual-Channel DDR3 (CMZ8GX3M2A1600C8)
  • 12GB (3x4GB) 1600MHz 9-9-9-24 @ 1.5V Triple-Channel DDR3 (CMZ12GX3M3A1600C9)
  • 16GB (4x4GB) 1600MHz 9-9-9-24 @ 1.5V Dual-Channel DDR3 (CMZ16GX3M4A1600C9)

Corsair Vengeance: Η νέα σειρά μνημών της Corsair!


Corsair Vengeance: Η νέα σειρά μνημών της Corsair!


Corsair Vengeance: Η νέα σειρά μνημών της Corsair!









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